

Photo by Stefaan Temmerman

FROM THE ARTIST: “Ease Me” was initially created using bits from an older Oathbreaker song. The vocal melody starting off the song was made using samples of Caro’s voice in 10:56, the opening track of Rheia.

This sparked the idea to do the “Ease Me & 4 interpretations” with remixes from Jesu, Chelsea Wolfe, WIFE & Michael A. Muller, and we’d love to see what other people can do with it and make their own interpretation of this track.

Pack Name:

Ease Me

*Ease Me* is a 1.1GB zip file of 24-bit 88.2khz WAV file stems.

Download (1.1GB zip)

USAGE: Unless specifically stated otherwise in the project notes, assets provided via ISOLATE/CREATE are for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. No license is granted and any commercial usage or duplication of any materials herein is strictly prohibited.

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